Sources from Los Angeles say that Henry Rollins, American singing sensation most famous for punk band Black Flag, revealed a glimpse of his career background, admitting to producing an unreleased album by the nearly equally sadly famous cult murderer, Charles Manson.Rollins agreed to producing Manson’s eerie acoustic-pop tracks after being contacted by his lawyer. Soon after production, however, the project was called to a hault once death threats were made to people involved in the the murderer’s music. Ironically enough, Manson’s album had rumored to be named Completion. Only five precious copies of the criminally legendary man’s dark collection exist; two owned by Rollins, and the remaining three said to be held by Manson himself.
Rollins and Manson have since only made a few connections after the fallout of the album project. Completion has no plans of being released, but Manson has some released material via Magic Bullet Records, titled Air, which can be checked out here or purchased here.

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