Fuck Buttons – Tarot Sport

Fuck Buttons-Tarot SportFuck Buttons-Tarot Sport

Fuck Buttons Play Football with Seers

Following a critically acclaimed debut album is never easy, especially when producing the brand of electronic drone that a number of people just don’t get. It comes as both a shocking surprise and a great relief to say that Fuck Buttons, the musical collaborative between Matthew Hung and Benjamin John Power of Bristol, England, have managed this difficult task.

Tarot Sport is the band’s second album and follow-up to 2008’s lauded Street Horrrsing. From start to finish, Tarot encompasses all that it means to be a figurehead in modern electronic music without the ambiguity and ignorance of celebrity status.

“Surf Solar” develops slowly into something that resembles what Mogwai would sound like if they had a few less instruments and a more experimental mind at their helm. It gradually builds over the course of ten minutes, almost resembling a showdown theme in a martial arts movie as it nears a point of closure.

By far, the best track on the album is “Olympians.” It is an excellent example of the band’s ability to create a stuttering soundscape that, although not consisting of anything particularly innovative, raises the bar for their peers.

Every single track on Tarot Sport is brimming with originality, creativity and, above all else, insight into the creative minds of two exceptional musicians. This album is a collection of the most vivid and bizarre daydreams recorded as sound and then magnified to the point of unbearable bliss. Fuck Buttons have here created one of the masterpieces of the 21st century, which deserves as much recognition, if not more, than their first album.

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