Following up 2007’s acclaimed The Stage Names, Okkervil River will release The Stand Ins on September 9. While the album mostly consists of material written and recorded while making The Stage Names, the album will also include “Singer Songwriter,” a song recorded while on tour with The New Pornographers. The band could’ve made The Stage Names a double album, but according to frontman Will Sheff, “I don’t like double albums and I really wanted to make a short record. Everybody in the band felt the same way. It was just the case of making a short record and feeling attachment to the songs — and putting out a part two.”
On Sept. 9, The Stand Ins will shape out like this:
Stand Ins, One
Lost Coastlines
Singer Songwriter
Starry Stairs
Blue Tulip
Stand Ins, Two
Pop Lie
On Tour With Zykos
Calling And Not Calling My Ex
Stand Ins, Three
Bruce Wayne Campbell Interviewed On The Roof Of The Chelsea Hotel, 1979