Underworld, who is Rick Smith and Karl Hyde, have announced a live internet broadcast schedule starting with a one off show on Wednesday, April 23. The scheduled dates will be the second Wednesday of each June, September, December and March.
The duo’s impetus for broadcasting began back in October 2004 when they were once again sitting in on BBC Radio 1 for the late John Peel who was vacationing and, sadly, passed away during that time. They have conducted numerous broadcasts since then. In 2006, Underworld’s performance at the Cocoon Club in Frankfurt, Germany, was made available in full-frame TV resolution video, and the broadcast attracted over 20,000 viewers around the world.
The scheduled broadcasts are being made available at underworldlive.com. The will be available “on demand” after the live event. Additionally, syndication negotiations are in the works to bring the shows to a number of key radio stations worldwide.
Broadcast dates:
6/11/2008, 1pm EST
9/10/2008, 1pm EST
12/10/2008, 1pm EST
3/11/2008, 1pm EST
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