Frank Black made a special guest appearance voicing the Devil on Comedy Central’s original series Lil’ Bush. In science class, Lil’ George struggles with the concept of evolution and along the way finds ‘Goddy’ (voiced by Wilco’s Jeff Tweedy), while Lil’ Cheney meets the Devil. The show airs at 10:30 PM ET/PT between “South Park” and “The Daily Show.”
In Lil’ Bush, Dubya is presented as the animated future president along with his pals Lil’ Condi, Lil’ Rummy (voiced by Iggy Pop), Lil’ Cheney and Lil’ Jeb. Hiding out from Bar and George Sr., these precocious prepubescents are terrorizing the White House and solving the world’s problems before bedtime.
Frank Black’s “best of” CD, 93-03, was released late last month, and his brand new Bluefinger, recorded as his Pixies-days-moniker of Black Francis, will be released September 11th.