Please, Quit Your Day Job
Who ever thought that quitting your day job would be a good thing? Kori and Jason of Mates of State did, and look how well they’re doing. This bundle of musical energy did exactly the opposite of what everyone advises you to do: they quit their jobs, married each other, and went out on the road touring. And so far, so good.The twosome is happy-go-lucky, bouncy and care-free. With Kori Gardner on her jovial organ and vocals and Jason Hammel on light-hearted drums and vocals, how can you not feel like smiling? They sound like they’re having such a good time. They’re a brightly lit parallel to the White Stripes duo; a musical little two-pack that’s not so moody and a lot more fun. It’s poppy and catchy, with deliriously silly melodies and intricate drumlines. The vocals are incredibly multifaceted, sometimes blending smoothly in a Simon and Garfunkle fashion as in “Whiner’s Bio,” other times clashing like the instrumentals of Einsteurzende Neubauten as in “An Experiment.” The sound is a lot like that of The Rentals, or the Philly-based band Swisher; loud and fast, abrasive yet melodious, cheesy yet likeable, heavy surf-rock organ with complicated neo-punk drums, tight-knit folksy vocal harmonies, electronica fused with pop and Indie. It’s like a warm, fuzzy dessert wine buzz.
All in all, Mates of State is a worthy and victorious experiment, in culminating love and a new take on pop/rock. This happy couple seems to be doing exactly what they want: playing and writing music, and spending their time with one another. Anyone who enjoys the light and bubbly side of duo-rock would enjoy this album.

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